1. Submit an Application to 研究生

所有想要毕业的学生必须提交至少一个学期的毕业申请 之前 they expect to complete their program. 未能在截止日期前提交毕业申请将导致您的学位或文凭授予延迟一个学期. 申请只应在研究生即将完成学位的学期内提交.







Spring Ceremony (五月) – Current Year

July (Attending Commencement)


Spring Ceremony (五月) – Current Year

July (Not Attending Commencement)





Fall Ceremony (12月) – Current Year

** 为了在毕业典礼上接待所有的毕业生和嘉宾,一名毕业生是 只有 允许参加与他们提交申请的学期相对应的仪式,即使他们当时没有完成完成学位的要求. 

Diplomas are NOT awarded at the graduation ceremony. Diplomas are 只有 awarded once your degree has been completed.

A graduation fee is due at the time of the application. Both the Application and the Graduation Fee are valid for one academic year. If graduation requirements are not met within one academic year, 学生必须再提交一份毕业申请表和一份毕业费. A handwritten signature is needed on the form.

Application to 研究生 Form:


注意: 一旦研究生团队完全完成申请,将发送一封确认收到申请的电子邮件. 他们将与您联系任何可能出现的问题或担忧,所以请在完成申请后密切关注您的利记sbo电子邮件.

2. 国际 Family Invitation Letter Request

如果你是一名国际学生,邀请家人参加你的毕业典礼,并且你的政府要求一封允许你的家庭成员旅行的信,那么完成国际家庭邀请函请求. 你必须已经提交了毕业申请才能申请邀请函. Commencement tickets are still required for families to attend the ceremony. This letter is not a ticket for the ceremony. Email the letter back to enrollmentservices@lunchpenny.com or drop it off at the One Stop Center. 一旦信件完成,招生服务人员将与您联系.

3. Unable to Attend Grad Fair Ticket Request

If you are a participating student who is 不能 to attend the Grad Fair and collect your tickets, please fill out this form. 将此表格电邮至 graduation@lunchpenny.com or drop it off at the One Stop Center to be processed 之前 the deadline. We can then mail the tickets to you. However, please note that lost or stolen tickets cannot be replaced. 另一个选择是指定一个人在毕业生招聘会期间代表你取票.

4. Purchase Your Cap and Gown

毕业小组将向参加的学生发送有关毕业展的信息以及如何订购毕业帽和学位服. 请密切关注您的利记sbo电子邮件,并确保搜索任何来自 graduation@lunchpenny.com 这样你就不会错过任何利记sbo毕业典礼或学位信息的重要信息!

If you have already ordered your cap and gown and have questions about your order, you can contact the 利记sbo 书店 at 248-204-3030. The bookstore is in charge of all Cap and Gown orders for commencement.

5. Monitor Your 利记sbo Email

请继续关注利记sbo的电子邮件,了解毕业团队利记sbo毕业展的最新消息, 你将在哪里领取你的门票,以及领取和支付你之前订购的帽子和长袍. 在学期结束后的学位审核过程中,您还将收到有关毕业典礼的最新信息以及有关学位的最新信息. If you have any questions you can always reach out to the grad team at graduation@lunchpenny.com.

研究生s keep their 利记sbo email account, but will have Google Drive for 只有 one year after your last semester.  这意味着您将有一年的时间将利记sbo Google Drive中的任何文件迁移到另一个存储选项. 仅获得证书的学生的电子邮件帐户将在最后一个学期出勤一年后停用.  If you have any questions please contact the Help Desk at helpdesk@lunchpenny.com 或致电248.204.2330.

6. 请参阅本网站

http://cm.lunchpenny.com/commencement - for information regarding the Commencement Ceremony.

7. 拿你的文凭

与普遍的看法相反,毕业典礼上并不颁发文凭. Diplomas are 只有 awarded once a student have completed their degree. A degree audit is completed by the department of the degree being sought. If the student has completed all requirements to receive the degree, they will list the student as "graduated". 然后由毕业团队完成额外的审核,并将学位贴在他们的成绩单上.

Once the degree is complete and posted, diplomas are printed. Bachelor diplomas are printed on 8.5" x 11" paper, and Masters/Doctoral diplomas are printed on 11" x 14" paper. 本科和硕士文凭可以在传统学期结束大约两个月后在一站式中心领取. 在领取日期内未领取的文凭将邮寄到您的永久家庭住址,如所列 BannerWeb (not your mailing address). 如果你的地址在毕业后会不同,请务必更新你的信息 BannerWeb 之前 the end of your final semester.

请注意:如果你有任何到期的经济债务(住房费用),文凭和成绩单将不会被释放, 图书馆的费用, 停车, 学费, 等.)

For Spring 2024 graduates, degrees will be posted to transcripts by 五月 23rd, 2024. 毕业证书将于2024年7月8日至7月10日在一站式中心领取. Diplomas which are not picked up will be mailed to the permanent address in BannerWeb 2024年7月11日. 

8. 庆祝!

在5月或12月的校园毕业典礼上,与你的朋友和家人一起庆祝你完成利记sbo的学位(以及前7个步骤)! (Mini wave in celebration of you!)

Add to you and your loved ones' celebration by joining the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion as they host the Circle Celebration. This event highlights academic and community achievement, 个人荣誉, family and extended communities and commemorates cultural, social and traditional influences of celebration. For more information visit: http://cm.lunchpenny.com/dei/circle-celebration