利记sbo has amazing faculty and we recognize outstanding teaching with two awards:

The Henry and Barbara Horldt Excellence in Teaching Award is presented to a faculty member who has distinguished themselves in the classroom as an OUTSTANDING TEACHER.

The 2019-20 academic year has been a very challenging time. Faculty have been called upon to quickly and swiftly adapt to changes in how we deliver knowledge, 学习, 或两个. In addition to nominations that are highlighting overall teaching qualities, we are encouraging nominations that also consider faculty that:

  • Went to extraordinary lengths to be attentive to students and flexible in transitioning to an online teaching and 学习ing environment, during the second part of the Spring 2020 semester.
  • Have mentored colleagues in adopting contemporary methods of teaching and/or technology inclusion.
  • Have participated in the scholarship of teaching and 学习ing and shared their knowledge and experiences in formal and/or informal activities across campus and beyond.

Faculty members, students, and administrators are encouraged to nominate worthy candidates. 利记sbo faculty, adjunct faculty, and instructors who have taught at the University for at least five years are eligible to receive the award.

Finalists for the award will be asked to submit a one-page Statement of Teaching Philosophy and a CV. Final selection will be done during fall 2020 by the Provost.

Nominate an 利记sbo faculty for the Horldt奖

Teaching and Learning with Technology Award (TLT) recognizes faculty who use technology to innovate teaching strategies and student 学习ing experiences.

We recognize that due to COVID-19 restrictions, all of our faculty are using technology to deliver courses and meet with students; however, you might know of an instructor who is meeting this challenge in remarkable ways that may serve as a model for the entire University. They might be using tools like Zoom and Canvas in unique ways that go beyond lectures and sharing documents. They might be adopting other tools or technology applications in ways that not only provide remote but also allow for rich, engaging 学习ing experience.

Technology may be related to equipment and devices or software and apps. It may be discipline-specific or general use of technology tools. The key is how the faculty member is innovative in using these tools and the effect they have on student 学习ing. Finalists will be asked to submit a one-page summary describing their use of technology in their teaching. Final selection is made by the Provost.

Please consider the following criteria when nominating an instructor:

  • Innovative use of technology to deliver instruction and course content.
  • Creative use of technology to expand how students are engaged and/or supported in 学习ing activities.
  • Pioneering use of a technology tool or application to assess and improve student 学习ing.

Nominate an 利记sbo faculty for the TLT奖

Call for Teaching Award Nominations

亨利二世. 芭芭拉·J. Horldt Excellence in Teaching Award


2019 – George Moschelli

2018 – Chris Riedel

2017 – James Mynderse

2016 – Mark Farlow

2015 – Anne Kohnke

2014 – Patty Castelli

2013 – Guang-Chong Zhu



2010 – Andrew Gerhart


2008 – Annette Lerine Steenkamp

2007 -本·斯威特

Teaching and Learning with Technology Award


2019 – Scott Schneider

2018 – Keith Kowalkowski

2017 -埃里克·沃德

2016 – No Recipient

2015年- Lior Shamir

2014 – Don Carpenter

2013 – Mark Farlow



2010 – Constance Bodurow
